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Qowi Hibatullah
Yeni Absah
Abdul Rahim Matondang
Economic development can sometimes be quite rapid in the current era of globalization, as seen from the increasing demand of society every year. People have to work hard to meet their needs, as seen from the tight competition both in industry and in the workplace. Population growth, decreasing job opportunities, and increasing poverty rates are the main causes of increasing economic demand in developing countries such as Indonesia. Therefore, society or human resources must have superior competence and quality in order to compete and survive in this highly competitive market.
Abubakar, R. (2021). Introduction to Research Methodology. SUKA-Press.
Agus Subagyo. (2020). Application of Research Methods: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Research Practices. Media Intelligence.
Agustini, F. (2019). Human Resource Management Strategy. UISU Press.
Ananda, S., & Hadi, HK (2023). The Influence of Work Discipline and Work Environment on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable. JSIM: Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 4(5), 587–600.
Arianti, WP, Hubeis, M., & Puspitawati, H. (2020). The Influence of Job Satisfaction Factors on Employee Engagement at Perwiratama Group. Journal of Management Theory and Application, 13(1), 31.
Arifudin, O. (2019). The Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Global Media (PT.GM) Bandung. MEA Scientific Journal (Management, Economics, & Accounting), 3(2), 184–190.
Busro, M. (2018). Human Resource Management Theories. PRENADAMEDIA GROUP.
Cahya, AD, Rahmadani, DA, Wijiningrum, A., & Swasti, FF (2021). Analysis of Human Resource Training and Development. YUME: Journal of Management, 4(2), 230–242.
Darwis, R. (2021). The Influence of Individual Competence and Work Experience on the Performance of Fish Farmers in Pangean District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. Tambusai Education Journal, 5(3), 10116–10127.
Didik Haryanto. (2021). The Influence of Job Analysis, Workload Analysis and Competence on the Performance of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the Regional Secretariat of Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Kindai, 17(3), 325–346.
Dwi, AN, & Ali, H. (2022). Literature Review the Effect of Division of Work and Workload on Work Effectiveness and its Impact on Employee Performance. Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 3(2), 227–240.
Edison, E. (2018). Human Resource Management. Alphabet.
Efendi, R., Lubis, J., & Elvina, E. (2020). The Effect of Wages and Employee Incentives on Employee Performance at PT. Milano Panai Tengah. Ecobisma (Journal of Economics, Business and Management), 7(2), 1–11.
Gazali, D., Panjaitan, H. P., & Chandra, T. (2022). Competence, Motivation, and Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance at Bank Sinarmas Pekanbaru Riau Branch. Journal of Applied Business and Technology, 3(1), 26–39.
Ghozali, I. (2018). Multivariate Analysis Application with IBM SPSS 25 Program. Diponegoro University Publishing Agency.
Ginoga, V., & Mangkona, S. (2022). The Effect of Competence, Emotional Intelligence and Work Environment on Employee Performance. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 6(1), 2022.
Hartika, A., Fitridiani, M., & Asbari, M. (2023). The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Job Loyalty on Employee Performance: A Narrative Literature Review. Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA), 2(3), 9–15.
Hasibuan, JS, Lesmana, MT, & Sari, AP (2021). Employee Performance Studies: Antecedents of Work Discipline, Work Motivation, and Job Training. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 1(2), 117–128.
Hendro, T. (2018). The Influence of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Permanent Employees of CV. Karya Gemilang. Agora, 6(1), 1–8.
Heryati, A. (2016). The Effect of Compensation and Workload on Employee Loyalty in the Operations Department of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. Global Ecoment Journal, 1(2), 56–75.
Indrasari, M. (2017). Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance. Indomedia Pustaka.
Junior, MAI, Suprayetno, D., & Sulaimah. (2023). The Influence of Career Development, Work Ethics, Communication on Job Satisfaction of Employees of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Trade Office. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 3, 189–198.
Kasmir. (2016). Human Resource Management (Theory and Practice). Rajawali Pers.
Komara, E. (2019). Professional Competence of ASN (State Civil Apparatus) Employees in Indonesia. Mimbar Pendidikan, 4(1), 73–84.
Nabawi, R. (2019). The Influence of Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Workload on Employee Performance. Maneggio: Scientific Journal of Master of Management, 2(2), 170–183.
Pohan, M., Arif, M., & Siswadi, Y. (2021). The Role of Employee Performance: Discipline and Competence. National Seminar on Educational Technology and Humanities, 1, 289–304.
Potale, R., & Uhing, Y. (2019). The Effect of Compensation and Job Stress on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank Sulut Main Branch Manado. Journal of Economic, Management, Business and Accounting Research, 3(1), 63–73.
Purba, MY, & Ruslan, S. (2020). Influence Compensation, Career Development, and Job Satisfication to Turnover Intention. Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 1(4), 642–658.
Rani, RO, Agung, S., & Firdaus, MA (2020). The Influence of Knowledge Management and Work Experience on Employee Performance. Manager: Journal of Management Science, 2(4), 464.
Rohida, L. (2018). The Influence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era on Human Resource Competence. Indonesian Business Management Journal, 6(1), 114–136.
Ronald Tambunan, J. (2020). Analysis of the influence of technical education and training and motivation on the performance of alumni of the regional industrial education and training center I in Medan. Widya Journal, 1(1), 8–29.
Sembiring, M., Jufrizen, & Tanjung, H. (2021). The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Influence of Motivation and Work Ability on Employee Performance. Scientific Journal of Master of Management, 4(1), 131–144.
Sudarsono, Harahap, AS, Tarigan, S., & Damanik, DS (2023). Analysis of Employee Performance and Factors Affecting Its Performance at Bank “Abc” Medan. Jurnal Ilmiah Kohesi, 7(1), 73–80.
Sugiarti, E. (2020). The Influence of Work Environment and Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Sukses Expamet. Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), 3(2), 479–486.
Sugiyono. (2019). Quantitative, Qualitative, and R&D Research Methods. Alphabet.
Suhada, S. (2019). Islamic Education Human Resources Management (Efforts to Manage the Asean Economic Community (MEA)). Mumtaz: Journal of Al-Qur'an and Islamic Studies, 3(1), 37–65.
Sumardi. (2020). The Effect of Compensation, Empowerment and Competency Toward Performance of Lecture in Wiralodra University of Indramayu. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 1(8), 838.
Suriyanti, Yumte, E., & Suparman, H. (2022). The Influence of Discipline, Work Facilities, and Incentives on Employee Performance at the Ministry of Religion of Takalar Regency. YUME: Journal of Management, 5(3), 255–265.
Surtiani, A., Kurniasih, I., Mulyati, Y., & Sandjaya, T. (2023). The Influence of Competence on Civil Servant Performance at Sespim Lemdiklat Polri Republik Indonesia. Responsive, 5(4), 221.
Susanty, AI, Yuningsih, Y., & Anggadwita, G. (2019). Knowledge management practices and innovation performance: A study at Indonesian Government apparatus research and training center. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 10(2), 301–318.
Suta, IGMAB, & Ardana, IK (2019). The Influence of Compensation, Perception of Organizational Support and Career Development on Employee Retention. E-Journal of Management, Udayana University, 8(2), 8047–8074.
Sutrisno, S. (2022). Determinants of Employee Performance: Overview of Aspects of Communication, Work Stress and Compensation. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute Journal, 5(3), 19259–19270.
Wahyuni, H. (2019). The Influence of Competence, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Lecturers at Merdeka University, Pasuruan. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 7(2), 154–162.
Widyastuti, I. (2020). Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Outsourcing Employees in Banking. Journal of Business Management, 17(3), 326–341.
Windari, KT, & Azriya, N. (2019). Analysis of the Influence of Incentives on Abubakar, R. (2021). Introduction to Research Methodology. SUKA-Press.
Agus Subagyo. (2020). Application of Research Methods: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Research Practices. Media Intelligence.
Agustini, F. (2019). Human Resource Management Strategy. UISU Press.
Ananda, S., & Hadi, HK (2023). The Influence of Work Discipline and Work Environment on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable. JSIM: Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 4(5), 587–600.
Arianti, WP, Hubeis, M., & Puspitawati, H. (2020). The Influence of Job Satisfaction Factors on Employee Engagement at Perwiratama Group. Journal of Management Theory and Application, 13(1), 31.
Arifudin, O. (2019). The Effect of Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Global Media (PT.GM) Bandung. MEA Scientific Journal (Management, Economics, & Accounting), 3(2), 184–190.
Busro, M. (2018). Human Resource Management Theories. PRENADAMEDIA GROUP.
Cahya, AD, Rahmadani, DA, Wijiningrum, A., & Swasti, FF (2021). Analysis of Human Resource Training and Development. YUME: Journal of Management, 4(2), 230–242.
Darwis, R. (2021). The Influence of Individual Competence and Work Experience on the Performance of Fish Farmers in Pangean District, Kuantan Singingi Regency. Tambusai Education Journal, 5(3), 10116–10127.
Didik Haryanto. (2021). The Influence of Job Analysis, Workload Analysis and Competence on the Performance of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the Regional Secretariat of Balangan Regency, South Kalimantan Province. Kindai, 17(3), 325–346.
Dwi, AN, & Ali, H. (2022). Literature Review the Effect of Division of Work and Workload on Work Effectiveness and its Impact on Employee Performance. Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 3(2), 227–240.
Edison, E. (2018). Human Resource Management. Alphabet.
Efendi, R., Lubis, J., & Elvina, E. (2020). The Effect of Wages and Employee Incentives on Employee Performance at PT. Milano Panai Tengah. Ecobisma (Journal of Economics, Business and Management), 7(2), 1–11.
Gazali, D., Panjaitan, H. P., & Chandra, T. (2022). Competence, Motivation, and Organizational Commitment on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance at Bank Sinarmas Pekanbaru Riau Branch. Journal of Applied Business and Technology, 3(1), 26–39.
Ghozali, I. (2018). Multivariate Analysis Application with IBM SPSS 25 Program. Diponegoro University Publishing Agency.
Ginoga, V., & Mangkona, S. (2022). The Effect of Competence, Emotional Intelligence and Work Environment on Employee Performance. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 6(1), 2022.
Hartika, A., Fitridiani, M., & Asbari, M. (2023). The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Job Loyalty on Employee Performance: A Narrative Literature Review. Journal of Information Systems and Management (JISMA), 2(3), 9–15.
Hasibuan, JS, Lesmana, MT, & Sari, AP (2021). Employee Performance Studies: Antecedents of Work Discipline, Work Motivation, and Job Training. International Journal of Educational Review, Law And Social Sciences (IJERLAS), 1(2), 117–128.
Hendro, T. (2018). The Influence of Compensation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Permanent Employees of CV. Karya Gemilang. Agora, 6(1), 1–8.
Heryati, A. (2016). The Effect of Compensation and Workload on Employee Loyalty in the Operations Department of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang. Global Ecoment Journal, 1(2), 56–75.
Indrasari, M. (2017). Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance. Indomedia Pustaka.
Junior, MAI, Suprayetno, D., & Sulaimah. (2023). The Influence of Career Development, Work Ethics, Communication on Job Satisfaction of Employees of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Trade Office. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 3, 189–198.
Kasmir. (2016). Human Resource Management (Theory and Practice). Rajawali Pers.
Komara, E. (2019). Professional Competence of ASN (State Civil Apparatus) Employees in Indonesia. Mimbar Pendidikan, 4(1), 73–84.
Nabawi, R. (2019). The Influence of Work Environment, Job Satisfaction, and Workload on Employee Performance. Maneggio: Scientific Journal of Master of Management, 2(2), 170–183.
Pohan, M., Arif, M., & Siswadi, Y. (2021). The Role of Employee Performance: Discipline and Competence. National Seminar on Educational Technology and Humanities, 1, 289–304.
Potale, R., & Uhing, Y. (2019). The Effect of Compensation and Job Stress on Employee Job Satisfaction at PT. Bank Sulut Main Branch Manado. Journal of Economic, Management, Business and Accounting Research, 3(1), 63–73.
Purba, MY, & Ruslan, S. (2020). Influence Compensation, Career Development, and Job Satisfication to Turnover Intention. Dynasty International Journal of Economics, Finance & Accounting, 1(4), 642–658.
Rani, RO, Agung, S., & Firdaus, MA (2020). The Influence of Knowledge Management and Work Experience on Employee Performance. Manager: Journal of Management Science, 2(4), 464.
Rohida, L. (2018). The Influence of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era on Human Resource Competence. Indonesian Business Management Journal, 6(1), 114–136.
Ronald Tambunan, J. (2020). Analysis of the influence of technical education and training and motivation on the performance of alumni of the regional industrial education and training center I in Medan. Widya Journal, 1(1), 8–29.
Sembiring, M., Jufrizen, & Tanjung, H. (2021). The Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction on the Influence of Motivation and Work Ability on Employee Performance. Scientific Journal of Master of Management, 4(1), 131–144.
Sudarsono, Harahap, AS, Tarigan, S., & Damanik, DS (2023). Analysis of Employee Performance and Factors Affecting Its Performance at Bank “Abc” Medan. Jurnal Ilmiah Kohesi, 7(1), 73–80.
Sugiarti, E. (2020). The Influence of Work Environment and Compensation on Employee Performance at PT. Sukses Expamet. Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), 3(2), 479–486.
Sugiyono. (2019). Quantitative, Qualitative, and R&D Research Methods. Alphabet.
Suhada, S. (2019). Islamic Education Human Resources Management (Efforts to Manage the Asean Economic Community (MEA)). Mumtaz: Journal of Al-Qur'an and Islamic Studies, 3(1), 37–65.
Sumardi. (2020). The Effect of Compensation, Empowerment and Competency Toward Performance of Lecture in Wiralodra University of Indramayu. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 1(8), 838.
Suriyanti, Yumte, E., & Suparman, H. (2022). The Influence of Discipline, Work Facilities, and Incentives on Employee Performance at the Ministry of Religion of Takalar Regency. YUME: Journal of Management, 5(3), 255–265.
Surtiani, A., Kurniasih, I., Mulyati, Y., & Sandjaya, T. (2023). The Influence of Competence on Civil Servant Performance at Sespim Lemdiklat Polri Republik Indonesia. Responsive, 5(4), 221.
Susanty, AI, Yuningsih, Y., & Anggadwita, G. (2019). Knowledge management practices and innovation performance: A study at Indonesian Government apparatus research and training center. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 10(2), 301–318.
Suta, IGMAB, & Ardana, IK (2019). The Influence of Compensation, Perception of Organizational Support and Career Development on Employee Retention. E-Journal of Management, Udayana University, 8(2), 8047–8074.
Sutrisno, S. (2022). Determinants of Employee Performance: Overview of Aspects of Communication, Work Stress and Compensation. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute Journal, 5(3), 19259–19270.
Wahyuni, H. (2019). The Influence of Competence, Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Lecturers at Merdeka University, Pasuruan. Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 7(2), 154–162.
Widyastuti, I. (2020). Determinants of Job Satisfaction of Outsourcing Employees in Banking. Journal of Business Management, 17(3), 326–341.
Windari, KT, & Azriya, N. (2019). Analysis of the Influence of Incentives on Performance. Saburai Independent Management Journal, 3(1), 51–58.
Wirya, KS, Andiani, ND, & Telagawathi. (2020). The Influence of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance at PT. BPR Sedana Murni. Prospek: Journal of Management and Business, 2(1), 50–60.